Why Did Congress “Bailout” Utah For $1.5 Billion – When Utah Has A $1.5 Billion Budget Surplus?

(GERMANY OUT) Utah State Capitol on Capitol Hill. The building houses the chambers of the Utah State … [+] Legislature, the offices of the Governor of Utah and Lieutenant Governor of Utah. (Photo by Rolf Schulten/ullstein bild via Getty Images) ullstein bild via Getty Images Recently, Congress passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Act along party lines – no Republicans voted for the legislation. Within the bill, there was $350 billion allocated to states, tribes, territories, and 30,000 localities. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi forecast that “republicans would vote no and take the dough.” So far, she’s right, as no republican governor has returned the funding. A case in point is Utah Gov. Spencer Cox (R). Utah state government received $1.5 billion from the Rescue Act. However, the state has an… Click below to read the full story from Forbes
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