Bop Shop: Songs From RM, Ethel Cain, Fleetwood Mac, And More

The search for the ever-elusive “bop” is difficult. Playlists and streaming-service recommendations can only do so much. They often leave a lingering question: Are these songs really good, or are they just new?Enter Bop Shop, a hand-picked selection of songs from the MTV News team. This weekly collection doesn’t discriminate by genre and can include anything — it’s a snapshot of what’s on our minds and what sounds good. We’ll keep it fresh with the latest music, but expect a few oldies (but goodies) every once in a while, too. Get ready: The Bop Shop is now open for business.Ellise: “Did It Hurt”“Dark pop” has never been more in vogue, but few artists have ever channeled that darkness as efficiently as Ellise. The Los Angeles singer gathers a storm cloud as she sings “Did It Hurt,” a slithering ode dripping with sexuality and apocalyptic melodic turns. —Patrick HoskenRM: “Wild Flower”RM has never been one to shy away from his feelings. Regardless of how intimate, cynical, or jarring they may be, the BTS frontman has always chosen the path of vulnerability and bared his soul through his music, a fact that rings even more true w… Click below to read the full story from MTV News
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