Netflix’s 20 biggest critical flops, from Emily in Paris to Insatiable

netflix flops (Netflix)For those who have a masochistic streak, there are few things more fulfilling than hate-watching awful films and TV shows.And there are plenty of them: Ben Wheatley’s lavish yet weirdly empty adaptation ofRebecca appalled critics and fans alike last year.When Emily in Paris hit screens, it inspired a deep hatred in critics who condemned it for “caricaturing” French people as “vile snobs”.But fans still inhaled both of these abominations within hours of them arriving online.Rebecca and Emily in Paris were both brought into the world by Netflix, so it only seemed fitting that we collate a list of the platform’s top 20 critical flops here…TelevisionEmily in ParisIn a one-star review, The Independent’s critic Ed Cumming listed seven groups of people who would not enjoy this series, and it’s hard not to fall into one of those categories, one of which is “anyone who’s eaten a croissant”. He also described the titular lead – played by Phil Collins’ daughter Lily – as “obnoxious” and her banter as “faintly agonising”.HollywoodRyan Murphy’s big-budget, all-star ode to the golden age of cinema should have been a hit, but was near universally panned by critics when it was released earlier this year. The Independent’s Ed Cumming called the show a “big shiny mess”, reading: “Hollywood can never decide whether it wants to be an aspirational woke-alternate-reality fantasy or a nihilistic black comedy, and its conflicting tones sit uneasily together.”Space Force (Netflix)This satirical show starring Steve Carell did not have enough comic content to… Click below to read the full story from Yahoo Movies UK
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