New York Pop Collective Michelle Muses Over Meals And In Google Docs

Aysia Marotta “Michelle loves some Guy Fieri.” This is one of the first things said on a Zoom call with the six members of Michelle, a New York City-based pop group. To clarify, no one in the band is actually named Michelle (and they style their group name, album titles, and songs in all caps). But as Sofia D’Angelo, a vocalist and songwriter, points out, their collective affinity for the Mayor of Flavortown is one element that unites them. “One of my favorite pieces of food journalism is the review of his restaurant that’s just, like, a series of questions,” she admits, sitting in front of a large digital backdrop of Fieri himself clad in a flame shirt. “Have you read that?” The resonance goes deeper than obvious meme status and the general Fierification of the internet. All six members — vocalists/writers D’Angelo, Emma Lee, Jamee Lockard, and Layla Ku; producers/instrumentalists Julian Kaufman and Charlie Kilgore — began creating music for Michelle separately, before they’d ever met in person altogether. Shortly after they completed a full LP in 2018, they finally gathered to begin touring to support it. To cut through that initial awkwardn… Click below to read the full story from MTV News
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