What Happens In Elden Ring? The Game’s Story, Part 8: Miquella’s Haligtree

Traveling through the Consecrated Snowfield takes you to the Haligtree, where the demigod Miquella tried to create a safe haven, and where you’ll do battle with Malenia.By Phil Hornshaw on June 21, 2022 at 1:41PM PDT In Elden Ring, we’ve visited some pretty awful places during our journey through the Lands Between, where any number of people have been tortured and murdered. Traveling through the Consecrated Snowfield, however, we can finally find our way to somewhere that’s not quite so horrifying–at least, on paper. That place is Miquella’s Haligtree, another giant tree that once might have been the seat of a new religion to replace the Golden Order and the Erdtree itself. But nothing good can survive the Lands Between, and that’s true of the Haligtree, as well.Miquella’s Haligtree hides another demigod Shardbearer who’s waiting for you to face her: Malenia, Blade of Miquella. She’s the demigod who fought Radahn and blanketed Caelid in Scarlet Rot, and she’s still pretty formidable. We can also learn about another demigod, Malenia’s brother, Miquella, although you won’t be able to fight him. There’s a huge amount of story surrounding Miquella, even though we never get a chance to meet him; his influence on the Lands Between is huge.Here’s everything you’ll uncover within the Haligtree as you travel down to fight the Goddess of Rot herself. Once again, there are so many spoilers in this article; you’ve been warned.More Elden Ring story explainersElden Ring Story Guide: The Lore and History of The Lands BetweenWhat… Click below to read the full story from GameSpot
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