11 Apps You Should Delete from Your Phone Right Now

The smartphone, for all its life-changing magic, sucks. It sucks up your time, it sucks up your battery, and it sucks up your data. So we’ve compiled a list of the apps you should wipe from your phone, stat: those that track you, harm your mental health, and pretend to care about your privacy, but don’t practice what they preach. Keep in mind that you should always do your research and try to familiarize yourself with the app developer company before downloading—that will be a good indicator of whether or not the app is trustworthy. Read the user comments, do a quick Google search of the app name to see if there are any news stories about it, and compare it to other applications with a similar function. If the app is a pedometer, but is requesting way more data than other pedometer-related apps, you might have a data leech on your hands. Use common sense, weed out the bad apps, delete ’em now, and never look back. 1 GasBuddy Unfortunately, heaps of useful and practical apps are some of the most serious threats to your own data security. That’s because they depend on data, period.Take GasBuddy, for example. It’s meant to help you save precious cash at the pump by letting you compare prices at gas stations nearby—wherever you are—but that also means it’s gathering loads and loads of location data to make those calls. The company recently told its users about a privacy policy change through an email… Click below to read the full story from Men’s Health
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