Can You Pass the Ultimate ‘Game of Thrones’ Trivia Quiz?

Over eight dramatic and often-bloody seasons, Game of Thrones kept viewers guessing at every turn. Beloved characters were killed off left and right—whether by sword, dragon, magical shadow, or Arya Stark—usually as collateral damage in the constant tug of war over the Iron Throne. If you think you know more about Westeros than one of Varys’s “little birds,” test your knowledge right here. Click on the polls below to see how many readers agree with your answers to these Game of Thrones trivia questions. Then, scroll to the bottom to see the answers.HBOHBOHBOHBOHBOHBOHBOHBOHBOAnswers1. Bluejoy 2. Arry 3. Robert, Stannis, Renly 4. “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.” 5. Aegon 6. Tyrion 7. High Valyrian 8. The Silence 9. Daario Naharis 10. Brienne of Tarth 11. Cersei 12. Sand Snakes 13. The Salt Throne 14. The Red Viper 15. West of Westeros 16. Faith of the Seven 17. Brynden Tully 18. Ghost 19. Locke 20. Lady 21. Beric Dondarrion 22. Daenerys’s mother 23. The Children of the Forest 24. Robert Baratheon 25…. Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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