Cindy Adams, Greatest Living Gossip Columnist, Didn’t Choose Gossip, It Chose Her

I worked at the New York Post years ago but only knew legendary gossip columnist Cindy Adams by her byline photo—red lipstick, bouffant, oversized pearls. She was like the wizard behind the curtain, a columnist only referred to by her first name in the office, but who seemed not to even have a desk there. I was all set to finally meet Adams in person—she invited me to talk about the new Showtime documentary Gossip at her apartment. It’s one of those fancy buildings with gilded decor in the lobby. But when I arrived, I was told there was an emergency, that her air conditioner had broken, flooding her home. So we had to talk about the documentary, her four-decade career, and, of course, her even longer friendship with Trump, on the phone instead. It’s too bad, because Adams’ famous penthouse Park Avenue apartment is wallpapered in hundreds of Post covers. Ninety-one-year-old Adams has been writing for the tabloid for more than four decades and she estimates her reporting graced more than 500 front pages—”the wood,” in tabloid-speak. In the documenary, Adams takes executive producer Jenny Carchman through her home, pointing out some of the most notable.“Guiliani!” says Adams, her hair perfectly coiffed in her signature up-do. “He’s back in the news again!”“Woody!” she says, pointing to an old cover with Woody Allen and Mia Farrow on the cover. “I had dinner with him two nights ago.”While the series is about the gossip industry—including the Post’s long-running Page Six, which… Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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