Give Yourself a New Strength Goal: Join the 1,000-Pound Club

EVERY SPORT HAS its performance benchmarks. From breaking the 5-minute mile barrier as a runner to speeding through 40 kilometers in less than an hour as a cyclist to completing more than 700 meters in 12 minutes as a swimmer, using these numbers for your goals can take your everyday training to the next level. If you lift weights, there’s no better way to earn bragging rights than to qualify for the 1,000-Pound Club.Joining this elite club’s ranks is simple, but far from easy: You must achieve combined one rep max of 1,000 pounds in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. That requires an impressive amount of weight for each lift, which is why hefting it all is such an honored strength standard. But if you think it’s beyond your capabilities, you’re probably wrong. With the right training plan and enough dedication, just about any man can achieve it. Indeed, Hugh Jackman became a member of the 1,000-Pound Club at 46 by performing a 355-pound squat, a 235-pound bench press, and a 410-pound deadlift. How to Join the 1,000-Pound ClubThe first step in gaining entry to the 1,000-Pound Club is to assess your current 1RM in the squat, bench press, and deadlift (a.k.a. powerlifting’s “big three” exercises). If you’re not able to hit your one rep max safely with a reliable spotter on hand, you can calculate your 1RM using your 3 to 5 rep max… Click below to read the full story from Men’s Health
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