Is It Cake? Is Something I Wanted to Hate—Before I Binged It

Netflix has a new hit show. The baking competition Is It Cake? is currently the platform’s number one series. I planned to write an angry tirade about how awful it is. My arrows were sharp, my bow taut, and my hands steady as I prepped my shot. I would take aim at the show’s vapidness, its sheer idiocy, its rage-inducing audacity to be so vapid and idiotic. I pictured myself hammering away on my keyboard: How dare Netflix bait what’s left of our Covid-addled attention spans with this catnip. You see, dear reader, Is It Cake? is based on a popular Instagram video from 2020 that depicted someone cutting into what appeared to be a Crocs sandal but was, in fact, cake. As my colleague… Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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