Kieran Culkin’s List of Essential Video Games

When I first met up with Kieran Culkin, in late February at a moody cocktail bar in Brooklyn, he had just put his daughter, three-and-a-half, and son, two, to bed. The occasion for our conversation: his Esquire profile pegged to the fourth and final season of HBO’s Succession, (March 26), in which he plays Roman Roy, the potential heir to a global media empire. But Culkin could only take so much interrogation at a time, so at various points we talked about WWE wrestling, old Nickelodeon shows, and one of his biggest hobbies, gaming. “I’m more of a retro gamer,” Culkin said. He’d first played the original Nintendo Entertainment System, then Super Nintendo, then Playstation—and the offerings on those consoles form the core of his recommendations. This is not a definitive list—just the games that, over the course of a long hang, Culkin namechecked. Nintendo The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeNintendo The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of TimeFor Culkin’s GOAT: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time*“So if you’ve not done that, that’s the one to play. The game I have obsessed over the most.”*Also available on Nintendo Switch with an online membership.Nintendo Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkNintendo Zelda II: The Adventure of LinkFor a F#@$-You Ending: Zelda 2*“Zelda’s hard. Did you ever play Zelda 2? Zelda 2 was kind of silly. It’s such a dickhead of a game because once it becomes fun, it’s a great game. And then when you get to the end, the end is… Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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