Marvel Finally Gets Weird in WandaVision With the Meta Question: ‘Who Is Watching Who?’

One can pretty much always guess the general outline of a Marvel—or any superhero—movie before actually seeing the movie itself. Some villain threatens innocent lives. The hero steps up to fight the villain. After a brief setback where it seems the hero has no hope, the hero will inevitably win. The good guys come out on top. And even when all the heroes die along with half the population of the known universe, you can be sure that in a superhero movie they will inevitably come back in one way or another. Victory is certain. The stakes don’t exist. That has been the case throughout almost every MCU movie (with the exception of Black Panther where good and evil is less certain) and the Avengers movies.This is why Martin Scorsese famously said Marvel movies are not cinema. “Cinema is an art form that brings you the unexpected,” he argued. And Disney’s MCU rarely does anything unexpected. Even the death of Tony Stark and the departure of Captain America (who might be returning!) at the end of Avengers: Endgame had been expected for years.So that’s exactly what makes Disney’s first MCU TV show, WandaVision, so exciting: It’s weird as hell, and there’s nothing expected. The first two episodes, which will drop on January 15 (the media was given the first three, but I’ve only watched the first two, so I don’t know wh… Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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