Presumed Innocent Episode 2 Recap

The premiere of Presumed Innocent hooked me like a fish. It had all of the true-crime essentials: a compelling case, a scandalous affair, testy workplace relationships, and an A-lister giving a Very Serious Performance. Still, I worried that the Apple TV+ series would devolve into cable-TV-esque courtroom cheese and legal jargon. Thankfully, Presumed Innocent steers away from cliché territory. You don’t need to pass the bar exam to follow along—you just need an appetite for chaos and recaps from yours truly.Episode 2 begins right where we left off, with Tommy asking Rusty if he knew that his mistress, Carolyn, was pregnant. Quick reminder: Carolyn was killed only a few days ago and Rusty has been investigating her murder. After a tense conversation, Rusty storms out o… Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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