What to Watch Before You Jam Out in Thor: Love and Thunder

Today, I only come to you with good news. (Refreshing, right?) You’ll have to wait for later in the week for Esquire’s review, but rest assured, we dug the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe entry, Thor: Love and Thunder. Not only that, but the latest and (arguably!) greatest Thor adventure sports a shockingly low barrier to entry. Meaning, opposed to a bloated MCU outing like Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, you can probably get away with buying a ticket for that one family member who doesn’t know what the heck an Infinity Stone is. That said, there are a few Thor-centric superhero outings that can only add to your Love and Thunder experience. In celebration of the God of Thunder’s grand return, here’s what to watch before you see Thor: Love and Thunder. 1 Thor If I’m being honest, you can probably get away with leaving Thor back in 2011. Sure, Thor’s grand intro to the MCU gives a sweeping, 101-level guide to Asgard and the batch of heroes and foes usually found in close proximity to Chris Hemsworth’s blonde wig. Here, thou… Click below to read the full story from Esquire
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