The DL on CockroachDB

As college students at Berkeley, Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis created a successful open-source graphics program, GIMP, which got the attention of Google. The duo ultimately joined Google, and even personally got kudos from Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Kimball and Mattis quickly rose to prominence within the company, and then chose to leave it all behind to start what would eventually become CockroachDB. Years later, Cockroach Labs has over 250 employees and has received investments from the likes of Benchmark, GV, Index Ventures and Redpoint totaling more than $350 million, according to Crunchbase. The company is now on route to what some think is an “inevitable IPO.” The story of CockroachDB, from its origin to its future, was told in a four-part series in our latest EC-1:  Origin story “CockroachDB, the database that just won’t die” (2,100 words/8 minutes) Technical design “How engineers fought the CAP theorem in the global war on latency” (2,400 words/10 minutes) Developer relations and business “‘Developers, as you know, do not like to pay for things‘” (2,200 words/9 minutes) Competitive landscape and future “Scaling CockroachDB in the red ocean of relational databases” (2,400 words/10 m… Click below to read the full story from TechCrunch
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