What Is GNOME in Linux?

Abubakar Mohammed/How-To GeekIf you’ve recently stepped into the Linux world, you may have heard the term GNOME thrown around a lot. But what exactly is it? In this article, we’ll take a look at this popular desktop environment and what it offers. A Forward-Looking Desktop Experience GNOME stands for GNU Object Model Environment. Properly pronounced “guh-nome,” it is one of the most popular free and open-source desktop environments used in some of the major Linux operating systems like Ubuntu, Pop!_OS, Fedora, etc. In simple terms, a Linux desktop environment is everything you see on your screen. From lock screen to home screen, as well as individual elements like app launchers and app icons, when tied together, form a desktop environment. For example, the standard desktop edition of the popular Linux distribution Ubuntu uses GNOME. However, the Ubuntu developers have customized GNOME’s user interface to fit their purposes, so it doesn’t look exactly like you see on the GNOME website and in other Linux distributions. They’re able to do… Click below to read the full story from How To Geek
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